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flor_de_azucena 12-13-2012 03:28 AM

Calculate Linux 13 Beta Testing
The beta testing version of Calculate Linux 13 was released.
System changes:
  • Meta-packages are no longer used to manage default dependencies
  • Each CL edition is now featuring its own appearance theme
  • Portage files will be unpacked when booting for the first time
New Calculate Utilities features:
  • New events were added for Calculate Console, namely: configuring user sessions; changing user passwords; joining host to a Calculate Directory Server domain; viewing and editing variables' values for Calculate Utilities; world update
  • New configuration events were added: Portage update and package removal
  • Meet a new tool, calculate-update: for the time being, it only handles the world file, but is hoped be able to do much more soon
  • More functionality for configuration templates
CLD news:
  • KDE was updated to 4.9.4
CLDG news:
  • GNOME was updated to 3.4
  • AxeMenu replaced the standard menu
  • the Parcellite clipboard will be used from now on
CLDX news:
  • a modified Adwaita theme is now used as the default one
  • Elementary comes as the default icon theme
  • the Geany IDE was added
  • switched to SMplayer as the default video player
  • Claws-Mail now comes with the Address Keeper plugin for address auto-completion

All dictionary packages were removed, for a slimmer distribution.
CDS news:
  • now able to run Jabber services with StartTLS
  • SMTP authentication will be added in the final release
Kernel and software:
  • CDS (Directory Server): Bind 9.9.1, Kernel 3.6.7, OpenLDAP 2.4.30, Postfix 2.9.4, ProFTPD 1.3.4a, Samba 3.5.15
  • CLD (KDE desktop): KDE 4.9.4, Amarok 2.6.0, digiKam 2.9.0, Chromium 23.0.1271.95, Kernel 3.6.7, LibreOffice
  • CLDG (GNOME desktop): Gnome 3.4, Gimp 2.8.0, Chromium 23.0.1271.95, Kernel 3.6.7, LibreOffice
  • CLDX (XFCE desktop): XFCE 4.10, Gimp 2.8.0, Chromium 23.0.1271.95, Kernel 3.6.7, LibreOffice
  • CMC (Media Center): XBMC 11.0, Kernel 3.6.7, Xorg-server 1.13.0
  • CLS (Linux Scratch): Openbox 3.5.0, Kernel 3.6.7, Xorg-server 1.13.0
  • CSS (Scratch Server): Kernel 3.6.7

future_computer 12-19-2012 02:43 AM

Any reason for me to try Calculate Linux?
I am using Ubuntu and Fedora now.

flor_de_azucena 12-20-2012 02:52 AM

To cut the long story short: it's very fast and flexible (as any Gentoo system is) but quickly installed and quite user-friendly (as popular distributions such as Ubuntu are). A good compromise between two extremes, I should say.

ManfredB 12-29-2012 03:17 AM

Two points:
firefox only 10, the newest 17
virtualbox-video-driver: 4.2.4, the newest 4.2.6

why this?

autounmask doesn´t exist, therefore I cannot use ist.


flor_de_azucena 12-29-2012 03:30 AM

Autounmask does work, why: run

emerge --autounmask-write <package>
as usual, then

and hit U to confirm.

All masked packages are masked because found unstable on CL. But unmasking is a trivial operation if you want to try the latest versions and shouldn't bother you.

ManfredB 12-29-2012 04:30 AM

No, it doesn´t run.

"emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy xf86-video-virtualbox-4.2.6"


flor_de_azucena 12-29-2012 04:56 AM

It does, just stick to the correct syntax:


emerge --autounmask-write =x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox-4.2.6
You need the '=' prefix if you want a particular version and not just the last available. The latest version can be installed though by executing:


emerge --autounmask-write xf86-video-virtualbox

future_computer 12-29-2012 05:57 AM

I don't think this linux distro is for me.

ManfredB 12-29-2012 06:14 AM

Thank you very much, flor_de_azucena

This is the right way.


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