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des_a 01-16-2024 10:32 PM

LMDE 6 32-bit: Asus T100TA Sound & Webcam & Microphone
One of the packages I cannot find is cheese. It is 32-bit. Anyway, please help me get sound & webcam & microphone & volume slider up if possible.

Tried these commands:

I bet the problem, is my sound is probably pipewire, not alsa. It certainly has a dummy device for sound, and nothing else is showing. If you can play over alsa, at least on terminal, don't know how. Test sound produces nothing. The alsa command is not found, as for one of my issues. Although the mixer was found, but I couldn't get sound out of it, but I could find my devices after the commands in the alsamixer thingy. I can actually live without these right now, if it's impossible. As long as now it will work well enough, if I disconnect the tablet from it's dock, since the keyboard appears to work. I believe it's close enough if I need it to be. But it's always better to have full functionallity.

des_a 01-17-2024 12:16 AM

Well, I just figured out Internet goes in and out as well. But guess what? That's my fault. No one else besides me would have that issue, unless they've downloaded from my repositories. Why? It's my programs fault. This was the first time using them on 32-bit Linux Mint Debian. There are some bugs, I guess. One is that appearently the * scripts don't work. But they might work better, if I'd installed and configured the system with the correct /ets/settings directory content! I will have to wait until my main laptop is back, to finish this tablet's load. However, if you can get me a little further, that would help. I ran, which will take away the problem at this stage. My wifi should be stable now, until I get the settings directory back, and retest my scripts. My scripts arent the priority, except when they cause problems. They will become the priority only after I've done things that I need to do for anything to work.

des_a 01-17-2024 12:47 AM

I realized I do not have a starting point yet, for /etc/settings configuration on github. I will have to fix that. I will have to describe what in the world /etc/settings even is, with a readme file for github. My configuration in actualality may differ, but it's nice to have a starting point when using my scripts. Most of them won't work without a properly configured /etc/settings directory.

des_a 01-17-2024 12:48 AM

I will check on my main laptop tommorrow.

des_a 01-17-2024 10:01 AM

So I checked on my office machine, which is regular linux mint. alsa is there, but it's not on my tablet. I'm beginning to think that there is a problem with the debian repositories, which caused all my sound issues. On that machine, alsa is not found, nor can it be installed. However, there are lots of packages I can see, but I can't install.

Do I need to reinstall with some other mirror or something? If so, how would I do this? Could this be what's wrong? Do I need to install and be happy with an old version of LMDE?

beachboy2 01-17-2024 05:04 PM


I recommend using MX Linux 21.3 Xfce 64-bit, since the required bootia32.efi file is included in the MX ISO:

The included MX Tools may be of help.

des_a 01-18-2024 12:39 AM

All I can say right now, is I'll check into it. It sounds like a bad idea, but if it is debian based, and I could install cinnamon or gnome on it, it might be a good idea. The only problem though, is 64 bit will not work on this machine. If the model number is misleading, that could be the problem, but that's what it reported with Linux to me.

It did have 32 bit windows 10, and that's why I don't believe it will run 64 bit stuff. If it could run 64 bit software, why did windows insist on the 32 bit version? It was update from 8.1 before it got to 10.

I really think though, that the whole problem is that it failed to install the required programs at it's install, but silently. If I can reinstall with some different mirror, instead of using the default, and don't ask me how I would do that, then the problem might go away. I bet that the debian mirror it chooses by default is unreliable. I bet THATS why it would fail silently. I don't know why? But it appears like that's the problem.

However, if there's no way to try that, I will try MX Linux. But there is lots of reasons I do NOT want to distro hop unless I really need to. I was a big distro hopper at first, when learning basic things about linux, up until I started to know preferences. Now, it's better if I don't so much. But if I really have a valid reason to, I'm not totally opposed to it.

I got a lot of posts telling me I should try bohsdi linux or something like that, linux before. I did check it out, but distro hopping to it proved to be not good for me. There's a big reason I tend to stick to mint, and it's actually similar reasons others stick to arch or archo. But, yes, that doesn't mean I'll be a life user of mint without any other distros being used ever.

So yes, if I have to, and if I can install cinnamon or gnome on it, there might be a chance. I should be able to do that. xfce would not be good to distro hop to though. Also, like I said, 64 bit is not good for me.

If you still think it might work, tell me. If there's a 32 bit version, perhaps that would work?

Also, I'm definately not at all opposed to different distros on different hardware, as long as I don't go too crazy with it. But if the only way to make things work is to always use a differnet distro, then I also know I'm not trying to choose distros good, plus I then know that my hardware that I'm buying is probably not the best choice. I'm not oppossed to ditching this tablet if I really have to. The only reason I haven't yet, now, is because I like the form factor, not of motherboard, but of external components. Otherwise it would definately be time to ditch it. Yes that's an expensive choice, but the time is more valuable.

Don't say that on Linux, your time is not valuable, because since using it more, I have saved time. If windows really saves you time, great! But I have the opposite experience, especially with modern windows. That's what made me try and use linux more. I would always need some skills on it, but it wouldn't be as valuable of a skill, if it didn't save me time. Years of time it's saved me so far!

And that doesn't mean I'm never using windows again, though if I could, I wouldn't. But that's not the world we currently live in. License aside, that's why I like my desktop linux journey. I've been using it for servers for longer. I'm glad I was just curious in 1998, and began my overall linux journey. I'm glad I did NOT go with red hat. Or perhaps it was 2000? I did NOT know how important it would be for me then. And yes, the license it's generally under has been even more valuable and life changing for me. But that doesn't mean I want all software to have to be under THAT license. I don't feel we've reached that point yet.

Anyway, hope this helps you help me. Rambling off too now. Will MX meet this requirement? Or should I go to my other stuff. Yes I'll also do research of my own, while waiting.

des_a 01-18-2024 12:46 AM

If I'm looking at needing to reinstall anyway, why not give it a try as an excercise. But, will wait until I go back home. I'm working away from home right now.

beachboy2 01-18-2024 01:33 AM


I can assure you that it is in fact a very good idea!

What you have to appreciate is that there are some netbooks/tablets/cheap laptops with an x64 capable processor, that are crippled by 32-bit UEFI firmware and originally ran 32-bit Windows only.

Your Asus T100TA (and similar models) have a 64-bit CPU.

As I mentioned above, the required bootia32.efi file is included in the MX ISO and therefore a 64-bit MX Linux (and antiX) works.

I subsequently sold my Asus T100T but it ran MX 21.3 Xfce 64-bit perfectly and the buyer was delighted with it.

Why did Microsoft use a 32-bit version?

The answer may be here:

des_a 01-18-2024 09:30 AM

Cool! Like I said, I will now just try MX linux as an excercise, on the way to "perfection". But if that's the case that it WILL run an x86_64 OS, then I can end up with x86_64 version of Linux Mint anyway, or try that out too. But I assure you, without however (I forgot how right now), I made my IA32 archetecture disk, I could NOT boot from the ventoy. If I use x86_64 ventoy, it doesn't boot at all. If I use straight 32 bit, I might get it to boot, I haven't tried, but it would not work too well.

I can put any file I want on my IA32 boot disk, that's the beauty of ventoy. If an image doesn't work, it simply won't boot. I can try it with x86_64, regular Linux Mint, through Ventoy. Or maybe I'll try the other way around, only MX if x86_64 Mint doesn't work by sticking it on IA32 disk. That would make sense too.

I'll decide which order later. I know how to get it to boot, and that's not the issue I'm facing right now. Unless some of the same problems are worse with the other Linux Mint...

beachboy2 01-18-2024 09:55 AM


Please note that not all 64-bit Linux distros (including Linux Mint) have the essential bootia32.efi file included in their ISO.

The simplest way to install Linux on an Asus T100 netbook is to use the 64-bit version of either MX Linux or antiX.

If you prefer to use a different route and different distro, then that is your choice.

I recommend using MX Linux Xfce 64-bit.

Good luck with whichever path you choose.

des_a 01-18-2024 02:36 PM

I'm keeping it open, while I wait until I get home, and try these things. Then I can decide, and tell you what I decided. And if I need to document for others how I did it. However, I might run into trouble that means I need more help, but not yet. I wish that while I was getting the boot to work, that people had suggested this there though. Then there might only need be one thread, not two. I just don't have equipment at my office to do the work, while I do at home.

des_a 01-18-2024 02:36 PM

By the way, snow storm, is why I haven't gone home yet. For now, I might be stuck.

des_a 01-19-2024 07:36 PM

Still stuck, I can't go home yet.

des_a 01-23-2024 11:10 PM

Update, I'm home, and I tried placing 64 bit Linux Mint, on the Ventoy disk, it wouldn't boot past ventoy. Then, just for kicks, I tried downloading MX Linux, and it boots from ventoy. However, it comes up with an error. I'll check a bit later what the error was, but it comes up with one. There is no continue option, and I know it asked something about cannot find MX installed. If it's an installer, it shouldn't require MX to already be installed. However, in my situation, I really don't think I can take the problem litterally, but maybe it is having an error that causes it to check for MX installed, like thinking it needs to upgrade, but doesn't know what mint is. Anyway, I'm figuring out that one. But first, I'll go forward with my main laptop's problem.

May continue here though, while I wait. But I'm about done for the night.

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